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中央政府門戶網站 www.gov.cn   2008年03月07日   來源:兩會新聞中心









No. 17

    Delegation Meeting Open to the Press by NPC Jiangsu Delegation and Group Interview by some Deputies of NPC Jiangsu Delegation.

    At 3:00pm on March 7th 2008, at the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People, the NPC Jiangsu delegation will open to the press its delegation meeting, during which the report on the work of the government will be deliberated. After the delegation meeting concludes, all deputies of this delegation will be invited to take a group interview. Journalists from China and abroad are welcome.

    There will be no interpretation service for the interview. Please raise questions in Chinese.

Press Center

1st Session of the 11th NPC

March 6th, 2008