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中央政府門戶網站 www.gov.cn   2013年03月27日 09時04分   來源:財政部網站



News Release

(Provided by Ministry of Finance of China)

    During the BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting, in Durban, South Africa, Mr. Lou Jiwei, Chinese Minister of Finance,and Mr. Guido Mantega, Brazilian Minister of Finance, signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Finance of the Federative Republic of Brazil on Bilateral Cooperation in Macroeconomic, Fiscal and Financial Policies on March 26th, 2013.   

    The MoU aims at further strengthening macroeconomic, fiscal, financial, monetary and supervisory cooperation under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, broadening common economic interests, boosting social and economic development in both countries, and promoting strong, sustainable and balanced growth of world economy. Representing an important outcome of the Economic & Financial Subcommittee under the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee, the MoU plays an active role in deepening bilateral economic, financial and trade cooperation, and promoting China-Brazil Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.  

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