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中央政府門戶網站 www.gov.cn   2008年07月07日   來源:新華社/民航局網站















Notice on the Implementation of Special
Security Check Measures in Certain Airports

    In order to better safeguard the security of civil air transportation during the Beijing Olympics, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) will carry out special security check measures in certain airports, hence the following announcement:

    1. Special security check measures will be carried out in Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, Shanghai Pudong Airport, Qingdao Airport, Tianjin Airport, Shenyang Airport, Qinhuangdao Airport, Shijiazhuang Airport, Taiyuan Airport, Ji’nan Airport, Hangzhou Airport, Nanjing Airport, Hefei Airport, Changchun Airport, Harbin Airport, Hohhot Airport, Dalian Airport as well as airports in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and in Tibet Autonomous Region.

    2. People entering into the above specified airports will be subject to security check at the entrance of the terminals.

    3. Passengers entering into those airports with explosives, inflammable or explosive articles will be subject to severe punishment in accordance with current laws and regulations. The resultant consequences, such as missing the flight, will be taken by the passengers themselves.

    4. Passengers are encouraged to get to the airport in advance and reserve due time for security check so as to avoid missing the flight.

    5. This Notice will come into effect as of the day of 20 July, 2008.

    7 July, 2008

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